I've had several comment on my blog or facebook that I seem so organized and put together. I find this flattering, yet oh-so-amusing. While I strive to be consistent with these things, orderliness is somewhat a loose term when you have two active kids who don't value a clean and orderly home yet. Here are some pictures from just this morning. This is really a more accurate picture of our life each day!
Emma decided to pull out everything from under Elliot's crib. This was even before breakfast.
After putting Elliot down for his nap, I hopped in the shower, giving instructions to Emma to "stay out of trouble"!! She had a successful time at the potty chair and came in the bathroom to tell me the news...I told her to get a little bit of toilet paper and clean herself up. Upon peeping out to check on her this is what I found. An entire roll of tp unravelled in a heap and not a single square in Emma's hand.

Now that Elliot crawls around & pulls himself up, he is capable of creating all sorts of havoc. Despite sweeping the floor several times a day, Elliot is a solid "jack-hairball" by the end of the day. (Jack hair irritates me more than any mess ever made by the kids)

While I was clipping coupons, I looked over to see that Elliot had joined Emma in watching Veggie Tales.
And this is our bedroom. Embarrasingly admitted. Emma is allowed to play on our bed when I go in there to tidy up. The little monkey is about to pounce on the "tower" of pillows.
Now that Elliot crawls around & pulls himself up, he is capable of creating all sorts of havoc. Despite sweeping the floor several times a day, Elliot is a solid "jack-hairball" by the end of the day. (Jack hair irritates me more than any mess ever made by the kids)
While I was clipping coupons, I looked over to see that Elliot had joined Emma in watching Veggie Tales.
P.S. I've already cleaned up everything in the above pictures.
P.S.S. When the kids wake up from their naps, it will only take minutes before it is transformed to look like the above pictures (except our bedroom. that door is shut and the room is off limits).
now to go fold the laundry that has been sitting on the dryer for almost 4 days...
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