Sunday, March 29, 2009


It's the eve of finding out (hopefully) whether baby whitty#3 is a girl or a boy and I just can't wait to see our baby again! The first ultrasound in this pregnancy was done pretty early on and so we just have a picture of a little "bean". Amazingly, even though the baby was only a couple of inches, we could see it's tiny heart thumping steadily. Even though this is our third baby, the miracle of God's creation never ceases to blow me away.
We've been asked so many times what we would like- since we already have one of each :) (and everyone knows that we don't really care...we just want a healthy baby) But- since you've asked, here are our thoughts.

If it is a girl...

  • We already have a first name picked out
  • Girl's clothes are just so much cuter. Girl's are so much more fun to dress up. Every time I'm up in the attic and see all of Emma's little baby girl clothes bins, I'm convinced I want another girl. Then when we have to deal with a fickle little girl (who is very sweet most of the time, might I add), I quickly change my mind.
  • I craved sweet things (after the first trimester) rather than salty.

If it is a boy...

  • We don't have any names picked out
  • Elliot has stained most of his clothes, so there are fewer to choose from.
  • While I was pregnant with Elliot, I craved salty things and STEAK. I do believe that the child turned out quite well for having gone through a period when my diet consisted of french fries, cheesy fries and onion rings. I have craved salty things again in this pregnancy.

While pregnant with Emma, my belly grew wider like a football. While pregnant with Elliot, my tummy resembled more of a basketball in shape. So you'd think the shape of my tummy would give a clue, but I really don't know what my shape is yet. I feel like I look fluffy, not pregnant.

Emma has told us that she wants a little sister on several occasions and Elliot doesn't have a clue that his little world will change forever in just a few months! Michael and I both agree that if it is a boy, he is going to have a lot to live up to since Elliot has been such a good baby. Emma was a good baby too, but she has become quite the little drama queen- all girl!

Either way, we will be delighted just to see our baby tomorrow. But if I were to give a guess, since I have a 50/50 chance of getting it right: my guess is BOY.

Anyone else want to make a guess???

Results coming tomorrow evening!



I have no guess -- I couldn't even tell with my own. I think the most fun part is just finding out -- because obviously, "it" already is what "it" is. When we were pregnant the second time, most people assumed we wanted a boy since we already had a girl and I did have that thought in my head but part of me thought it would be so fun to have two girls in a row. I actually was glad I wasn't the one who got to choose the gender -- I was glad God was the One Who had already chosen. Oh, (in my opinion) it's just so fun to find out and bond in a new way for the rest of the pregnancy. And now, I LOVE seeing my two girls playing together and thank God for choosing two girls even though I have no idea what anything else would be like. :-)

cranny + b

oh dear, I am terrible, TERRIBLE at guessing these things! ! ! I will say a boy--so it probably will be a little girl:)

can't wait to find out!

Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie

I'm guessing a girl!! And you're so right - girls are drama queens. I'm glad you have one too. :) But if it's a boy, how fun for Elliot to have a buddy. Can't wait to find out!!

Brian and Lai

Nina! How will you be able to sleep tonight?! Wow! How exciting to find out tomorrow! I'm so happy for you and I've been trying to think...maybe baby is a BOY again. Can't wait to find out!

Can you believe one year ago you were out HERE and we were both pregnant and now you're pregnant again?!?!!! Wonderful memories. Wonderful blessings. Miss you!!!

Steven and Erica

We vote YES for boy! (Don't trust ultrasounds:)