Easter Sunday was a special day for our family as we reflected on the grace of our great God who saved us from our sins. Our hearts were full as we contemplated the celebration of His death, burial and resurrection and were challenged to live focused on serving the greatest of all Servants. "Who being in the form of man, did not consider it to be robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men...He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
After church, we managed to get a few pictures before our lunch guests arrived. Our Pastor and his family came over as well as our next door neighbor and her two young boys. The three little ones~ Emma, Nicholas and Douglass had a blast searching for Easter eggs. Emma's dramatic
"A-ha!!"'s when spotting an egg often signaled the boy's attention and they would run a lot faster than Emma and get to it first! Don't worry, she still ended up with plenty of eggs.
This year it is Michael, Me, Emma and Elliot.
Next year at Easter, it will be Michael, Me, Emma, Elliot and Ethan David!
My how times have changed.
Some other things that happened last week...
- I had a small fire in the oven
- Elliot discovered the bathroom and flushed the toilet by himself
- Emma learned how to dress herself, mostly.
- I gave myself a haircut
- I gave Emma permission to walk through the rain puddles
Our dear children,
I am indeed VERY proud of our eldest son for getting up, let alone, preach at the 6:20 a.m. Sunrise Service!!! Only the Lord could do that! Our babies are SO beautiful...and I want to hug and hold them. We are also very proud of you, Nina, for your thriftyness! Wow, your bargains are great.
We love you all very much and are praying much for all of you...especially Michael's health.
Mom W.
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