Michael has been very sick again with Crohn's and had some blood work done yesterday to determine whether one of the meds he has been on is "toxic" to his liver. Doc told him he is steroid dependent, and that the only reason he was feeling better for a short period was becuase of the steroids- which he has almost come off completely. For temporary relief, Doc bumped his dosage of prednisone back up (Michael has yet to feel "relief" yet). He has lost a few pounds in the last couple of months and struggles at each meal- despite what he eats. We are waiting to hear about the test results with a little bit of dread. The doc mentioned this time that if this medication is adversely affecting his liver and other internal organs, it's time to look into remicade (if you want to know exactly what that is, look here.)
Along with the almost constant accute pain, Michael is unbelievably exhausted. This disease just depletes your energy when going through a flare-up. He has been sleeping 12 hours+ and still waking up feeling tired. For the past few days he hasn't been able to eat much and what he has been able to eat goes right through his system. So we wait. On the test results and on the Lord. We don't want to worry, even though it's so easy to fall into that. He has always provided for us in the past and we know He will continue to meet our needs in the future. Remicade is an extremely expensive treatment and potentially has serious negative side effects.
On a lighter note and back to my .26 total on the Farm Fresh receipt. I just had to take a picture of that because I think it is funny. In order to get all the items for such a good deal, I had a first transaction which totaled $21.00. It included:
- 2 -12 double rolls Cottonelle Toilet Paper
- 1 - 12 double roll Scott Toilet Paper
- 1 lb. Fresh Creta Roast Tukey Deli Meat
With the purchase of $20 in Kimberly Clark products, I received a $5 instant savings with my receipt- which I used on the second transaction. So for .26 cents I got:
- 1 box of Multigrain Cheerios
- 1 box of Raisin Bran Crunch
- 2 loaves of sandwich bread
- 3 boxes of Barilla Pasta (2 of them whole-grain!)
- 1 4-pk. Dannon Activia
- 1 bag Hershey's Bliss
Bloom is also having their triple coupon event this weekend, beginning Friday at 7am!
Hi Nina,
I will be praying for you and your husband. I am so sorry to hear that he is ill. I know exactly what you are going through and my husband can identify with your husband in so many ways. My Michael was on Remicade and it worked wonderfully for him except for the fact that he continued to get abdominal wall infections.:( It IS expensive but our insurance covered it minus the co-pay and we wish that it was still an option but God truly does know best.
Have you heard of Jordan Rubin's The Maker's Diet? It has made a difference for some people. I'm afraid that my husband is not totally sold on it but he's never tried it either. We have the book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle and it seemed to work for Michael for a while. Here is the link if you want to check it out. http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/book/the_book.htm Anyway, I thought that I would at least mention these things to you and you guys could do your own research.
Oh, I wanted to tell you that I bought Michael's Easter outfit for appx. $12 from The Childrens' Place last season. Marcus' outfit was Michael's when he a little guy. I would NOT pay full price for something as trivial (but cute) as an Easter outfit. Your two kiddos were adorable in their Easter get-ups. ;)
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