I think it has taken me almost a year to figure out scheduling household duties, weekly menus, shopping iteneraries, kids nap & bed times, church activities etc. All within a two month span last spring, "we" finished the seminary chapter of our lives, moved and had a baby. The following month we led our church mission trip to Margate, Florida and a few weeks later, I daringly managed to fly to Boston with Elliot(1.5months old) and Emma (almost 2) without the presence of Michael to visit friends and family. All that to say, it seems as if the schedule was constantly changing- thankfully the kids are pretty flexible. Since coming home from Christmas break, it has been busy still, but not unmanageable. I'm very happy to be a full time stay at home mom- when the kids have to come along with us for some type of outing every day, it really does effect them in a negative way. So being at home has been very rewarding in many ways, but I'm not going to say that we haven't had our stir crazy moments!!
So Mondays are laundry day. Several weeks ago I made a goal to get ALL the laundry washed, dried and put away (the last part is always the most challenging and unmotivating for me) in the same day. WOW! This went great- it was such a relief to know that all of it was done and I wouldn't have to worry about it until the next week. It was almost like being on vacation :)
It used to be that I did laundry as I noticed the basket getting full. Not anymore. You can tell when laundry day is getting close, becuase the basket overflows onto the closet floor and sometimes into the hallway. This new system isn't a novel idea by any means, nor am I a supermom for getting it all done in one day, but it works for me and it does make me feel like a supermom (until I look in the basket the next morning)!
As I was choring away today, I looked at the piles of folded clothes and made a startling observation.
Here are the kid's clothes and items:
And. my pile. is. the. smallest---BY FAR. (it's the one with the striped shirt, bottom right)
Granted, there is one more load drying- that could have more of my items.
But this made me wonder...
maybe I don't work as hard. maybe I don't play as hard. maybe I choose to where the same clothes over and over again because I know what laundry day involves. maybe i wore Michael's clothes :).
Let's hope that it's just because some more of my clothes are still in the dryer!
I totally feel your pain about finding the 'perfect schedule'. Our families did a lot of the same things in the last year. :) It's a constant struggle we face trying to prioritize and 'reorganize' to find the things that work best for our family. Saturday is our laundry day since we usually try to make it a priority to stay home and keep it a simple day since Sunday's coming...:) Doesn't always work out, but that's our goal anyway. :)
Maybe it's cuz you wear stinky clothes. =)
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