(Don't let the semi-smile fool you. He has not been a happy camper)
So a copay later we arrived home. Elliot was very cranky all day yesterday. Michael and I took turns holding him and trying to get him to stop crying. He was happy for small chunks of times here and there, but mostly cried and whined all day long. A walk in the stroller seemed to distract him for a little while until it started to rain. As soon as we got back inside the house, he started crying again. I finally resorted to strapping him in his car seat and driving around the back country roads of Windsor for an hour. He fell asleep in his seat for about 20 minutes. That was the only nap he took all day yesterday (he still sleeps 4-6 hours a day usually). Poor kid was exhausted, and we were felt exasperated trying to get him settled. He went to bed before 7pm and slept through the night.
I was hoping to find the rash gone this morning, but it was much worse and has spread even more throughout the day. He has been able to take naps today, thanks to some Benedryll. Poor baby is itching like crazy though. Doc said if the rash isn't any better or has gotten worse by tomorrow to bring him in again.
And we are really hoping that whatever he has isn't contagious because we have still been lovin' on him!
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