I've been meaning to post some interesting developments in our sweet girl Emma- who we are finding out is ALL GIRL!!
Several weeks ago, she came running into the kitchen exclaiming that there was a spider in her room. She took me into her room to show me (had I mentioned that she had her pretend silverware knife in hand?). Over on the window sill, if you looked very closely, there was a itsy bitsy GNAT. Which she had obviously taken care of with her knife.
A couple days ago, I went to put Elliot down for a nap when I heard Emma screaming hysterically from the living room. It was one of the cries that signals every worse scenario to be played out in a mother's mind. I ran into the living room to find her backed up against a chair, petrified, pointing at something on the floor.
It. was. a. F L Y.
I was honestly looking for blood, people. Not an insect. Oh dear, what shall we do come summer and the flies are rampant?!
And her latest scare: she has flashcards with objects on one side and numbers on the other. Today she was playing with them until she spotted this one:
Screaming, she threw it on the floor and would not have anything to do with it, even though I explained they were just pictures of bugs, not real ones. We went on to something else and left the bug card on her bedroom floor. A little while later, she came screaming to me again about the bugs in her room. We have our drama child.
I have removed this from the stack of cards. Elliot will probably like it!
Oh, that's too funny! She is a true girl! :) I should send Adrianna over to hang out with her. Unfortunately Adrianna is not scared of anything that creeps - she'll reach for them without thinking. The only thing she's scared of is big monkeys in the bathroom (whatever that is!). Emma could teach her a sense of caution. I had to laugh at your story on facebook about Emma saying Jesus threw her doll in the fire - what on earth??? :) What a funny, cute age. We've been praying for you guys, especially Michael. We've got a young guy with the same thing in our church (well, his parents are, and they're close friends) - it seems to be such a frustrating disease! Keep us all updated!
Soooo funny! Rosie, sadly, is bad about bugs too.
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