Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happiness in a Bag

So I've really been craving the small ice that Sonic has for the past few weeks. I will not tell you how many times I have frequented this place as a happy hour customer...let's just say that the employees recognize me when I drive up now. Chomping on ice has not always been enjoyable for me. I have extra sensitive teeth and always (up until a few weeks ago) drink with a straw to avoid ice even coming in contact with my teeth at all. And when people decided to chomp on ice around me, it bothers me to no end and I do everything I can to get out of chomping hearing area. Now you can easily imagine why Michael has been so tickled about this craving of mine. Every time he or I were "in town", we would not return home without a large Rt. 44 cup of their pellet ice. Sadly, the closest Sonic is 20 minutes from here, so it hasn't always been an easy craving to satisfy.
UNTIL... I embarrassingly admitted my craving to one of the carhops and she informed me that they actually sell 5 pound bags of their ice and have several regular "ice customers" (of which I have just joined the ranks!) I wonder how long it will take me to go through 5 pounds?! (and yes, I've heard that pregnant women who crave chewing on ice are anemic. I'll be talking to the midwife about that one next visit and until then, I will enjoy my paired with Cherry Coke.)
Here is the other "happiness in a bag". She was giggling under that "it" bag today and I managed to get a picture of her cute silliness.


Brian and Lai

Very very funny(:


During all of my pregnancies the only thing I craved was ice. (And I wasn't anemic!) I discovered that McDonald's sold their ice in a 10lb. bag for 1.25 last fall while I was still expecting #3! Glad you were able to discover about ice at Sonic!